March Adoptions

March 12, 2023

Cyndy Lopper and Binky Eilish were adopted in July 2022 and unfortunately came back to us, no fault of their own. We are pleased to announce, they now have a new forever home! Congrats girls!

March 25, 2023

Yay, Hooray, oh Happy Day, Congrats Bonnie! After many foster homes, losing her beloved Clyde and looked over for adoption many times.... Bonnie found her forever home. A home that is rabbit savvy and will attempt to bond her with Marshmallow. And if the bond takes time or doesn't work out, mom and new family are committed to providing a forever home for Bonnie. We are so pleased and she definitely deserves it! We will miss you Bonnie but are overjoyed for your new adventure. Thank you to all her foster families and to her new family as well.


Mark your calendar April 1st!


Jinx’s Emergency Surgery